Installation on OSGeo4W#

OSGeo4W is a popular package of open-source geospatial tools for Windows systems. Besides packing a lot of GIS tools and a nice installer, it also features a full Python installation, along with some of the packages that MapProxy needs to run.

In order to install MapProxy within an OSGeo4W environment, the first step is to ensure that the needed Python packages are installed. In order to do so:

  • Download and run the OSGeo4W installer

  • Select advanced installation

  • When shown a list of available packages, check (at least) python and python-pil for installation.

Please refer to the OSGeo4W installer FAQ if you’ve got trouble running it.

At this point, you should see an OSGeo4W shell icon on your desktop and/or start menu. Right-click that, and run as administrator.

In the OSGeo4W window, run:

C:\OSGeo4W> pip install mapproxy


C:\OSGeo4W> pip install pyproj

If these last two commands didn’t print out any errors, your installation of MapProxy is successful. You can now close the OSGeo4W shell with administrator privileges, as it is no longer needed.

In older versions of OSGeo4W pip may not recognized. In such a case, please follow the instructions for installing pip with and rerty the above pip install commands.

Check installation#

To check if the MapProxy was successfully installed, you can launch a regular OSGeo4W shell, and call mapproxy-util. You should see the installed version number:

C:\OSGeo4W> mapproxy-util --version


You need to run all MapProxy-related commands from an OSGeo4W shell, and not from a standard command shell.

Now continue with Create a configuration from the installation documentation.

Unattended OSGeo4W environment#

If you need to run unattended commands (like scheduled runs of mapproxy-seed), make a copy of C:\OSGeo4W\OSGeo4W.bat and modify the last line, to call cmd so it runs the MapProxy script you need, e.g.:

cmd /c mapproxy-seed -s C:\path\to\seed.yaml -f C:\path\to\mapproxy.yaml