
MapProxy supports the following sources:

You need to choose a unique name for each configured source. This name will be used to reference the source in the caches and layers configuration.

The sources section looks like:

    type: xxx
    type_dependend_option1: a
    type_dependend_option2: b
    type: yyy
    type_dependend_option3: c

See below for a detailed description of each service.


Use the type wms to for WMS servers.


This describes the WMS source. The only required options are url and layers. You need to set transparent to true if you want to use this source as an overlay.

  layers: base,roads
  transparent: true

All other options are added to the query string of the request.

  layers: roads
  styles: simple
  map: /path/to/mapfile

You can also configure sld or sld_body parameters, in this case you can omit layers. sld can also point to a file://-URL. MapProxy will read this file and use the content as the sld_body. See sources with SLD for more information.

You can omit layers if you use Tagged source names.


This option affects what request MapProxy sends to the source WMS server.


The WMS version number used for requests (supported: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.3.0). Defaults to 1.1.1.


If this is set to true, MapProxy will request legend graphics from this source. Each MapProxy WMS layer that contains one or more sources with legend graphics will then have a LegendURL.


Configure a URL to an image that should be returned as the legend for this source. Local URLs (file://) are also supported.


If this is set to false, MapProxy will not request images from this source. You can use this option in combination with featureinfo: true to create a source that is only used for feature info requests.


If this is set to true, MapProxy will mark the layer as queryable and incoming GetFeatureInfo requests will be forwarded to the source server.


The INFO_FORMAT for FeatureInfo requests. By default MapProxy will use the same format as requested by the client.


Path to an XSLT script that should be used to transform incoming feature information.


Output format returned by the XSLT script. By default MapProxy will use featureinfo_format.

New in version 1.12.0: featureinfo_out_format

See FeatureInformation for more information.


Define the covered area of the source. The source will only be requested if there is an intersection between the requested data and the coverage. See coverages for more information about the configuration. The intersection is calculated for meta-tiles and not the actual client request, so you should expect more visible data at the coverage boundaries.


Disable this source in regular mode. If set to true, this source will always return a blank/transparent image. The source will only be requested during the seeding process. You can use this option to run MapProxy in an offline mode.

min_res, max_res or min_scale, max_scale#

Limit the source to the given min and max resolution or scale. MapProxy will return a blank image for requests outside of these boundaries (min_res is inclusive, max_res exclusive). You can use either the resolution or the scale values, missing values will be interpreted as unlimited. Resolutions should be in meters per pixel.

The values will also apear in the capabilities documents (i.e. WMS ScaleHint and Min/MaxScaleDenominator). The boundaries will be regarded for each source, but the values in the capabilities might differ if you combine multiple sources or if the MapProxy layer already has a min/max_res configuration.

Please read scale vs. resolution for some notes on scale.


A list with SRSs that the WMS source supports. MapProxy will only query the source in these SRSs. It will reproject data if it needs to get data from this layer in any other SRS.

You don’t need to configure this if you only use this WMS as a cache source and the WMS supports all SRS of the cache.

If MapProxy needs to reproject and the source has multiple supported_srs, then it will use the first projected SRS for requests in a projected SRS, or the first geographic SRS for requests in a geographic SRS. E.g when supported_srs is ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:31467'] caches with EPSG:3857 (projected, meter) will use EPSG:31467 (projected, meter) and not EPSG:4326 (geographic, lat/long).


New in version 1.5.0.

A list with request parameters that will be forwarded to the source server (if available in the original request). A typical use case of this feature would be to forward the TIME parameter when working with a WMS-T server.

This feature only works with uncached sources.


Use this option to specify which image formats your source WMS supports. MapProxy only requests images in one of these formats, and will convert any image if it needs another format. If you do not supply this options, MapProxy assumes that the source supports all formats.


See Image Format Options for other options.


Specify a color that should be converted to full transparency. Can be either a list of color values ([255, 255, 255]) or a hex string (#ffffff).


Tolerance for the transparent_color substitution. The value defines the tolerance in each direction. E.g. a tolerance of 5 and a color value of 100 will convert colors in the range of 95 to 105.

  transparent_color: '#ffffff'
  transparent_color_tolerance: 20


This limits the number of parallel requests MapProxy will issue to the source server. It even works across multiple WMS sources as long as all have the same concurrent_requests value and all req.url parameters point to the same host. Defaults to 0, which means no limitation.


You can configure the following HTTP related options for this source:

  • method

  • headers

  • client_timeout

  • ssl_ca_certs

  • ssl_no_cert_checks

  • manage_cookies

See HTTP Options for detailed documentation.

Tagged source names#

New in version 1.1.0.

MapProxy supports tagged source names for most sources. This allows you to define the layers of a source in the caches or (WMS)-layers configuration.

Instead of referring to a source by the name alone, you can add a list of comma delimited layers: sourcename:lyr1,lyr2. You need to use quotes for tagged source names.

This works for layers and caches:

  - name: test
    title: Test Layer
    sources: ['wms1:lyr1,lyr2']

    sources: ['wms1:lyrA,lyrB']

    type: wms

You can either omit the layers in the req parameter, or you can use them to limit the tagged layers. In this case MapProxy will raise an error if you configure layers: lyr1,lyr2 and then try to access wms:lyr2,lyr3 for example.


New in version 1.12.0.

You can configure what MapProxy should do when the tile service returns an error. Instead of raising an error, MapProxy can generate a single color tile. You can configure if MapProxy should cache this tile, or if it should use it only to generate a tile or WMS response.

You can configure multiple status codes within the on_error option. You can also use the catch-all value other. This will not only catch all other HTTP status codes, but also source errors like HTTP timeouts or non-image responses.

Each status code takes the following options:


Specify the color of the tile that should be returned in case of this error. Can be either a list of color values ([255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255, 0])) or a hex string ('#ffffff', '#fa1fbb00') with RGBA values, or the string transparent.


Set this to True if MapProxy should cache the single color tile. Otherwise (False) MapProxy will use this generated tile only for this request. This is the default.

You need to enable transparent for your source, if you use on_error responses with transparency.


Set this to True if MapProxy should serve in priority stale tiles present in cache. If the specified source error occurs, MapProxy will serve a stale tile which is still in cache instead of the error reponse, even if the tile in cache should be refreshed according to refresh_before date. Otherwise (False) MapProxy will serve the unicolor error response defined by the error handler if the source is faulty and the tile is not in cache, or is stale.

You need to enable transparent for your source, if you use on_error responses with transparency.

  type: wms
    url: http://localhost:8080/service?
    layers: base
      response: 'transparent'
      cache: False
      authorize_stale: True
      response: '#ede9e3'
      cache: False
      response: '#ff0000'
      cache: False

Example configuration#

Minimal example:

  type: wms
    url: http://localhost:8080/service?
    layers: base

Full example:

  type: wms
    version: 1.0.0
    featureinfo: True
  supported_srs: ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:31467']
    transparent_color: '#ffffff'
    transparent_color_tolerance: 0
     polygons: GM.txt
     polygons_srs: EPSG:900913
  forward_req_params: ['TIME', 'CUSTOM']
    url: http://localhost:8080/service?mycustomparam=foo
    layers: roads
    another_param: bar
    transparent: true


Use the type arcgis for ArcGIS MapServer and ImageServer REST server endpoints. This source is based on the WMS source and most WMS options apply to the ArcGIS source too.


This describes the ArcGIS source. The only required option is url. You need to set transparent to true if you want to use this source as an overlay. You can also add ArcGIS specific parameters to req, for example to set the interpolation method for ImageServers.


New in version 1.10.0.

New in version 1.11.0: map option

This option affects what request MapProxy sends to the source ArcGIS server.


If this is set to true, MapProxy will mark the layer as queryable and incoming GetFeatureInfo requests will be forwarded as identify requests to the source server. ArcGIS REST server support only HTML and JSON format. You need to enable support for JSON featureinfo_types.


Whether the source should include the feature geometries.


Tolerance in pixel within the ArcGIS server should identify features.


If this is set to false, MapProxy will not request images from this source. You can use this option in combination with featureinfo: true to create a source that is only used for feature info requests.


New in version 1.11.0.

See seed_only

Example configuration#

MapServer example:

  type: arcgis
    layers: show: 0,1
    transparent: true
      response: transparent
      cache: True

ImageServer example:

  type: arcgis
     polygons: GM.txt
     srs: EPSG:3857
    interpolation: RSP_CubicConvolution
    bandIds: 2,0,1


Use the type tile to request data from from existing tile servers like TileCache and GeoWebCache. You can also use this source cascade MapProxy installations.


This source takes a url option that contains a URL template. The template format is %(key_name)s. MapProxy supports the following named variables in the URL:

x, y, z

The tile coordinate.


The format of the tile.


Quadkey for the tile as described in


TileCache path like 09/000/000/264/000/000/345. Note that it does not contain any format extension.


TMS path like 5/12/9. Note that it does not contain the version, the layername or the format extension.


ArcGIS cache path like L05/R00000123/C00000abc. Note that it does not contain any format extension.


Bounding box of the tile. For WMS-C servers that expect a fixed parameter order.

New in version 1.1.0: arcgiscache_path and bbox parameter.


Deprecated since version 1.3.0: Use grid with the origin option.

The origin of the tile grid (i.e. the location of the 0,0 tile). Supported values are sw for south-west (lower-left) origin or nw for north-west (upper-left) origin. sw is the default.


The grid of the tile source. Defaults to GLOBAL_MERCATOR, a grid that is compatible with popular web mapping applications.


Define the covered area of the source. The source will only be requested if there is an intersection between the incoming request and the coverage. See coverages for more information.


You need to set this to true if you want to use this source as an overlay.


You can configure the following HTTP related options for this source:

  • headers

  • client_timeout

  • ssl_ca_certs

  • ssl_no_cert_checks

  • manage_cookies

See HTTP Options for detailed documentation.


See seed_only

min_res, max_res or min_scale, max_scale#

New in version 1.5.0.

See min_res, max_res or min_scale, max_scale.


New in version 1.4.0.

You can configure what MapProxy should do when the tile service returns an error. Instead of raising an error, MapProxy can generate a single color tile. You can configure if MapProxy should cache this tile, or if it should use it only to generate a tile or WMS response.

You can configure multiple status codes within the on_error option. You can also use the catch-all value other. This will not only catch all other HTTP status codes, but also source errors like HTTP timeouts or non-image responses.

Each status code takes the following options:


Specify the color of the tile that should be returned in case of this error. Can be either a list of color values ([255, 255, 255], [255, 255, 255, 0])) or a hex string ('#ffffff', '#fa1fbb00') with RGBA values, or the string transparent.


Set this to True if MapProxy should cache the single color tile. Otherwise (False) MapProxy will use this generated tile only for this request. This is the default.

You need to enable transparent for your source, if you use on_error responses with transparency.

  type: tile
  url: http://localhost:8080/tiles/%(tms_path)s.png
  transparent: true
      response: transparent
      cache: True
      response: '#ede9e3'
      cache: False
      response: '#ff0000'
      cache: False

Example configuration#

  type: tile
  grid: mygrid
  url: http://localhost:8080/tile?x=%(x)s&y=%(y)s&z=%(z)s&format=%(format)s


New in version 1.1.0.

Use the type mapserver to directly call the Mapserver CGI executable. This source is based on the WMS source and most options apply to the Mapserver source too.

The only differences are that it does not support the http option and the req.url parameter is ignored. The should point to your Mapserver mapfile.

The mapfile used must have a WMS server enabled, e.g. with wms_enable_request or ows_enable_request in the mapfile.


You can also set these options in the globals section.


The complete path to the mapserv executable.


Path where the Mapserver should be executed from. It should be the directory where any relative paths in your mapfile are based on.

New in version 1.11.0: The mapserv binary is searched in all directories of the PATH environment, if binary is not set.

Example configuration#

  type: mapserver
    layers: base
    map: /path/to/
    binary: /usr/cgi-bin/mapserv
    working_dir: /path/to


New in version 1.1.0.

Changed in version 1.2.0: New layers option and support for tagged sources.

Use the type mapnik to directly call Mapnik without any WMS service. It uses the Mapnik Python API and you need to have a working Mapnik installation that is accessible by the Python installation that runs MapProxy. A call of python -c 'import mapnik' should return no error.


The filename of you Mapnik XML mapfile.


A list of layer names you want to render. MapProxy disables each layer that is not included in this list. It does not reorder the layers and unnamed layers (Unknown) are always rendered.


New in version 1.3.0.

Use Mapnik 2 if set to true. This option is now deprecated and only required for Mapnik 2.0.0. Mapnik 2.0.1 and newer are available as mapnik package.


Set to true to render from mapnik sources with background-color=”transparent”, false (default) will force a black background color.


New in version 1.8.0.

Set the Mapnik scale_factor option. Mapnik scales most style options like the width of lines and font sizes by this factor. See also HQ/Retina tiles.

Other options#

The Mapnik source also supports the min_res/max_res/min_scale/max_scale, concurrent_requests, seed_only and coverage options. See WMS.

Mapnik can be used in multithreading and multiprocessing operation by setting multithreaded: True. This is only tested and safe for seeding.

Example configuration#

  type: mapnik
  mapfile: /path/to/mapnik.xml


Adds information like resolution and BBOX to the response image. This is useful to determine a fixed set of resolutions for the res-parameter. It takes no options.


  type: debug